Bowers & Wilkins 803 D4
Mūsų kompaktiškiausiame modelyje su atskiru vidutinių garsiakalbių korpusu telpa visi techniniai Diamond serijos privalumai, o kolonėlės puikiai tilps bet kuriuose namuose.
Nurodyta poros kaina.

Reverse Wrap cabinet
Instead of a conventional loudspeaker box, our cabinets are made from a continuous curved section of wood, with the drive units mounted at the heart of the curvature. This stiffer, more inert structure resists mechanical resonances far better and also ensures better dispersion of sound.
Enhanced Matrix™
Matrix bracing uses interlocking panels to reinforce loudspeaker cabinet walls in all directions internally, reducing resonance and creating a more believable soundstage. The Matrix assembly in 803 D4 is our best yet, ensuring optimum scale, power and intelligibility.

Aluminium bass pods
803 D4 mounts two Aerofoil™ bass cones in twin solid aluminium bass pods, each of which is clamped into an aluminium plate fixed to the stiffest part of its curved cabinet. Formed as single pieces of metal, these stiff structures provide the perfect mechanical location for those powerful bass cones.
The science of sound
Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We question, we examine, we understand and then we evolve. We use computer modelling to explore and reimagine every aspect of loudspeaker design. Learn more about all the technologies that combine to make 800 Series Diamond so special here.

- 50 - 500
- 16 - 35'000
- 90
- 8
- 62,15kg / vnt
- 116,5 x 35,7 x 51,1